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Stop wasting valuable time and energy!
Get a concise summary of those long PDF documents so you can quickly identify the key details and important facts.
Ask a question and find the answer without having to read through every word – literally, chat with any PDF.

5 circles with user profile pictures within them
5 gold stars in a line
loved by 40,000+ customers
side by side image of a PDF document on the left, and a conversation between an AI and human asking questions about the document on the right

Our powerful AI PDF reader lets you chat with any PDF document – the process is simple

Complex terms made simple!
Get instant explanations and definitions for those confusing terms, acronyms, and concepts right from the document itself. Our powerful AI PDF reader makes the complex simple.

1. Easily Upload your PDF

Drag and drop or just upload your PDF from your computer – anything up to 50MB – and let our software start its wizardry! When your document has uploaded you are ready to chat with the PDF AI reader.

image showing you your previously uploaded documents

3. Cite the Source of Information

Without needing to rescan the whole document again, you chat to the PDF and ask for the sources of its answers. The AI PDF reader will link straight to the page of the answer making your citation process a piece of cake!

image of text where some is highlighted in light purple
3 hand drawn purple lines
3 hand drawn purple lines

2. Ask Questions, Get Answers

Start your chat with the PDF. Our AI PDF reader understands your simple language questions and scans the document finding answers to your questions without you having to manually search the document yourself. Ask more questions and the AI PDF reader will find the answers you need.

Image of a conversation between an AI and a human input
3 hand drawn purple lines

Effortlessly work through documents with our AI PDF reader: start chatting today

hand drawn line in purple
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Increases Your Productivity

Much quicker than trying to read it word for word yourself, our AI PDF reader can extract precise sections of text, summarise in the blink of an eye, annotate, highlight, classify, analyse and compare as well as translate speeding up your output.

If you have to read or work through many long-form documents regularly, being able to chat with our PDF reader will save you heaps of valuable time.

Endless Uses and Applications

There are almost of uses and applications for our AI PDF reader both for professional and private use.

Ideal for document management and organisation, content extraction, analysis, summarisation, annotation and collaboration it can support legal professionals, financiers, researchers, academics, healthcare professionals, those in the public sector and so many more.

It can even detect and prevent malicious content.

3 hand drawn purple lines
3 hand drawn purple lines

Unlimited Uploads and Questions

There’s no limit to the number of uploads or questions you can chat with the PDF on.

For your monthly fee of $11 per month, you can keep uploading and asking questions and you’ll never reach a limit of what you can do.

Reliable Citations and Sources

Our AI PDF reader can extract and organise content from PDFs that you upload and will reliably cite the source within the document with pinpoint accuracy.

The actual credibility and accuracy of the document itself will need to be independently assessed and verified. Whilst not a substitute for critical thinking and source evaluation, this is an invaluable tool to aid the research and writing process.

3 hand drawn purple lines

Our AI PDF reader can be used for anything, by anyone.

This huge time-saving application for anyone who needs to read and understand large documents, from students reading long academic papers to legal, public sector or healthcare professionals who have to deal daily with large documents or files and need to find information quickly.
Brilliant for translating documents as well as other tasks, it will cite all sources from the document and is reliable, quick and smart.

Financial documents
Legal documents
Translating documents
Scientific papers